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What is a title?

Title is a legal term that refers to one’s right to own, possess, use, control and transfer an interest in real estate. Title may also refer to the way a person holds the ownership (i.e. as a sole owner or jointly with another person). Title may be vested in a person or entity.

What does a title company do?

It is our job to coordinate the interests of all parties to a real estate transaction, including the buyers, sellers, mortgage lender and real estate agents. We make sure that all requirements for settlement are fully satisfied. After the Sales Contract is executed, it is sent to us to begin the title process, which involves the following steps:

Title abstract: We research the title to the property through a title abstract, which provides a history of the property and its ownership. It is our job to examine the title and clear any liens or claims on the property so that the new buyer receives clear and marketable title to their new property.

Property taxes: We verify with the local or state taxing authority that the property taxes have been paid. On the HUD-1 Settlement statement/closing disclosure, we will prorate the amounts based on the billing period and the settlement date.

Title insurance policy: We prepare the insurance commitment for the lender’s title insurance policy and issue both owner’s and lender’s coverage. There are two types of Title Insurance: Lender’s, which is required by the mortgage company, and protects the lender’s investment in the property; and Owner’s, which may be purchased at settlement for the benefit of the new owner. It is strongly recommended that all buyers receive an owner’s title insurance policy which protects them against any unforeseen claims, hidden risks, or fraud against the property. The insurance policy provides protection from financial loss as well as payment of legal costs necessary to clear such claims.

Loan documents for closing: We also coordinate with the mortgage lender to receive the loan documents for closing. Once received in our office, we review all forms and comply with the lender requirements for closing. The HUD-1 settlement statement/closing disclosure is one of the most important documents to sign because it details all of the costs associated with the purchase and sale of the property. We also prepare the deed and other documents necessary to comply with state and federal laws.

Closing: At closing, all documents are explained to all parties prior to signing. After closing, we disburse all the monies collected at settlement and pay vendors such as the termite company and surveyor. We also pay off and release the existing mortgages on the property and prepare the loan documents to be returned to the lender.

Documents recorded in courthouse: It is our responsibility to make sure all documents are properly recorded in the courthouse, such as the new deed and mortgage. We also ascertain the release of any existing liens on the property.

How to choose a title company

Choosing the right title company is very important in making sure your transaction is handled in the most professional manner. You should not base your decision solely on fees but should consider a number of factors such as reputation, experienced staff, and recommendations from other professionals in the real estate industry. The title company should be available to answer any of your questions either before, during and even after settlement. At Valley Title Services, we pride ourselves on exceptional service and are available to answer your questions at any time during the process. Our staff receives continuous training to maintain their expertise and our team includes an onsite attorney.

What is a title search?

A title search is a detailed examination of the land records concerning a property. A typical search for a purchase transaction goes back 30 years.

The types of documents contained in a search include deeds, mortgages, probate court, and taxes, as well as liens, easements and many other documents. An experienced attorney or title officer will examine these records to determine if the title to the property is insurable for the new owner.

We look to determine the owner’s right to transfer and ascertain any liens or defects on title.

What can make a title defective?

There are many possible causes of title defects that no examination can disclose simply because they have never been recorded and thus do not appear in the courthouse records. A title insurance policy protects the owner against such hidden risks. Hidden risks may include, but are not limited to:

Fraud – False claims of ownership, forged deeds, wills, signatures, conveyances, instruments, false representations, false records, and illegal acts of trustees, guardians, adminstrators and attorneys.

Human Error – Errors may be made in copying, indexing or recording, and errors made by adminstrators, executors, trustees, guardians and attorneys, including destruction of records, may result in a defective title.

Improper Deeds and Wills – Improper Deeds may include those made by persons of unsound mind and minors; deeds delivered after death or without the grantor’s consent; or, invalid, suppressed, erroneous wills, missing heirs or unsettled estates.

Liens and Other Rights – Liens for unpaid estate, inheritance, income, property or taxes; and defective foreclosures could result in defective titles.

What is title insurance?

Title insurance protects the homeowner from unforeseen claims against the property. The insurance will pay for legal defense, court costs and all related fees. It will also reimburse the homeowner for loss up to the face value of the policy.

A policy of title insurance is a contract of indemnity between the insured and the insuring company relating to the title to the land described in the policy, protecting the insured against loss of damage by reason of defects, liens or encumbrances of the insured title existing at the date of the policy and not expressly excepted from its coverage.

The policy is issued after a complete search and examination of the public records and shows the condition of the record title, including any money obligations outstanding against the property, easements and other matters which may affect the rights of ownership, possession and use of the property.

Why do I need title insurance?

Homeowners often ask the question, “Why do I need title insurance?” Your home is most likely the largest purchase you’ll ever make and title insurance plays a key role in protecting your investment.

A detailed title search is conducted after you sign the sales contract to purchase your home. The title search involves examining the land records pertaining to your property over the last 30 years. Though this is a detailed and thorough examination, there are many hidden issues that may not be uncovered by this process. For example, forgeries on original documents, missing heirs, improper deeds and ex-spouses are very difficult to detect in the title search. Title insurance protects you against these hidden risks.

One of the most common types of title issues is unreleased liens on the property. Even if the lien does not belong to you, since it is filed on the property, it becomes “attached” and must be cleared. Approximately one-third of all properties have some type of title issue or defect. An owner’s title insurance policy offers full protection against title defects as well as peace of mind to the homeowner.

It is important to understand the difference between the two types of title insurance policies, a lender’s policy and an owner’s policy. Your lender will require you to purchase a lender’s policy to protect their investment in your property. The lender’s policy is usually based on the amount of your loan, exists only over the life of the loan and protects the lender if a problem arises with the title.

Since the lender requires you to purchase a lender’s policy, you may be wondering why it’s strongly recommended to also purchase an owner’s policy. While the lender’s policy covers their interest in your property, it does not protect the homeowner at all. Consequently, if a title issue arises and you do not have an owner’s title insurance policy, you could be faced with large legal expenses to defend yourself against claims made on your property. With an owner’s policy, you can rest assured that the insurance company will pay valid claims and cover your legal expenses should a title issue arise against your property.

The owner’s policy is purchased for a one-time fee at closing and is based on the sales price. Unlike the lender’s policy which is effective only for the life of the loan, an owner’s policy covers the homeowner for as long as they own the property.

If you refinance your home, the lender will require you to purchase a new lender’s policy since you are obtaining a new loan. The lender wants to be protected in case any claims have arisen since you originally purchased the property. You do not have to purchase a new owner’s policy since the original policy is in effect as long as you still own the property.

What types of problems can a title search reveal?

A title search can reveal problems such as defects and liens, as well as unpaid taxes, unsatisfied mortgages, judgments against the seller and restrictions limiting the use of the land. Approximately one-third of all title searches reveal some title defect that must be cleared.

Are there different types of policies?

Yes. Owner’s policies are issued to real estate owners. Purchaser’s policies are issued to the purchasers of real estate under contract. Mortgage policies are issued to mortgage lenders. In additon, there are several other special forms of policies. There is a type of policy to meet the requirements of almost any form of real estate transaction.

How are premiums for title insurance determined?

The amount and type of coverage provided determine title insurance premiums. Unlike other insurance premiums, however, the title insurance premium is paid only once, as the policy is effective for so long as title or “ownership” remains in the name of the insured and/or his/her heirs or devices. Rates are filed with the insurance commissioner who regulates the activities of title insurers.

When is the policy issued?

An owner’s policy protects only the owner, while a mortgage policy protects only the holder of the mortgage on the property. Separate policies are required to protect both interests. Speical rates are available when both owner’s and mortgage policies are issued at the same time. The owner’s policy of title insurance is typically issued after the deed to the buyer is delivered and recorded. The mortgage policy of title insurance is usually issued after the mortgage or deed of trust has been properly executed and recorded.

How does title insurance protect my investment should I claim arise?

According to the terms of your policy, title insurance will pay your legal fees to defend yourself against a fraudulent claim and also pay any valid claims, up to the face value of your policy.

Isn't purchasing both the owner's and lender's policies duplicate coverage?

No, it is not duplicate coverage. Your lender will require you to purchase a lender’s policy to protect their investment in your property. The lender’s policy is usually based on the amount of your loan, exists only over the life of the loan and protects only the lender if a problem arises with the title.

A lender’s policy does not protect the owner, which is why the owner should purchase an owner’s policy.

If I was insured when I purchased the land, why should I have it reissued to my purchaser when I sell?

The coverage of your policy is against all matters that appeared of record up to the date of issuance of your policy. Since that time, many documents may have been recorded, some of which may affect the title to your land. Taxes and assessments may have accrued and been unpaid.

There may have been actions in court affecting your title. In addition, there may be matters of record, which would prevent either the seller or buyer from selling, buying or mortgaging land, until such matters have been cleared. These items include such factors as federal tax liens, judgements, incompetencies, divorce actions and other conditions that the title search may disclose.

The purchaser is entitled to have full information and protection as to the condition of the title up to the date of his/her purchase.

What type of payment is required for closing?

All money needed for a real estate transaction must be brought either to settlement or sent to the title company before closing. The money must be “good funds” which means it has to be either in the form of a Cashier’s check or wire transfer.

If you plan to move money from investment accounts to bring to settlement, check with your investment company at least a week prior to the close date as it may take several days for the funds to be available.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. You should not rely or act upon any information contained in the “Frequently Asked Questions” without seeking the advice of qualified legal or real estate counsel.
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